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Myers Park Key Club 

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What are Key Club points?

Key Club points are a way for us, your leaders, to keep track of your participation in the club. You get points for coming to meetings, participating in service projects, and other things we do in the club over the course of the year. Although, the points are not just for us. Once you get a certain amount of points you can earn small prizes, and if you have the required number of by the end of a semester you can participate in the club party!

You must get 30 points year long and 15 points each semester to be apart of our party each semester.

To check how many points you have 

click HERE

If there is a problem with your points email us here, or talk to us at the next club meeting.

How can I get points?

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Meetings: Every time you attend a meeting you will receive 1 point.

Service Projects: There are a couple different ways to receive points from service projects they include:

  1. Helping promote service projects: 1 point

  2. Attending/Participating in service projects off campus: 3 points

  3. Donating items during a service drive: 2 points

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